Shiawassee Hope
Our Mission: To create community that empowers people to live creative, productive, and hopeful lives.
About Us:
Shiawassee Hope (legal name: The Intersection of Owosso, a 501c3) was founded in 2012. From the beginning, our aim was to learn about the lived experiences of people in poverty so we could create innovative solutions to address barriers that keep people in poverty. Our work has always been neighborhood focused. We go to where people are rather than asking them to come to us. Over the years, we have had a presence in a local trailer park, at an alternative education high school, in various treatment courts, and wherever we find people in need of hope that life can be better.
We are a very grassroots organization, existing only in and for Shiawassee County. We are funded entirely by donations from local individuals, churches, and businesses. We have also received grants from local organizations like Owosso 100+ Women Who Care, The Cook Family Foundation, Shiawassee Community Foundation, and Great Start Shiawassee. We receive no state or federal grants.
Shiawassee Hope is 100% volunteer-driven including our Executive Director. Every dime we receive goes directly to serving our Shiawassee County neighbors.
Marlene Webster is our founding Executive Director and is very hands-on in all aspects of our work. From fundraising to cooking meals for Table Tuesdays, Marlene believes the only way to effectively help people is to know their stories and be as closely connected to them as possible.
Shiawassee Hope Board:
Marlene Webster, Executive Director
Dianne Rodgers, President
Stacie Ocenasek, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Jackie Bucsi, Secretary
Travis Yaklin, Treasurer
Christal Swiney, Neighborhood Representative
Andrew Heney
Tyler McGeehan
Rachel Osmer